The woman with a hemorrhage (Luke 8:43-48)
A woman like me
Becomes invisible.
Other women
Bring an empathy
Which whilst compassionate
Is impotent to help.
The men –
Well they cannot bear
Something they cannot fix
And no-one could mend
My broken body
Or inner distress.
But that day
I thought invisibility
Could be my friend.
If I could just touch his cloak –
Breaking all laws
But surely God would understand –
Then healing must surely
Come to me
As others claimed
It had to them.
So, shawl covering me,
Lest I be recognised
And shamed
By the reminder
That I was unclean
And so not welcome,
I made my way through the crowd,
Reached out
And knew at once
That I was healed.
But somehow he knew,
And my invisibility
As my fear
But all he wanted
Was to let me go
With the kindness
In his eyes
And the blessing
In his words.
By Jeannie Kendall