Called by name (John 20:10-18)
My name.
It was the way he spoke my name.
Spoken with love
Spoken with life
Spoken to raise me from despair
To glorious joy.
Thomas John 20:24-29
is hard to describe
unless you have felt
its icy grip.
I'd watched Him die
hanging in humiliation
and with Him
every dream
I ever possessed
every desperate, wasted hope
that my worst fears
might not be
the whole story.
The darkness around Him
matched my inner darkness,
His icy cold, my torn-up heart.
And so I vowed;
"Never again" -
never to have a hope
which could be dashed
a wish
eternally unfulfilled
an expectation
to be - as always -
Let them share
their moment of delusion.
Let me alone
in my despair.
And then -
He came.
By Jeannie Kendall